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Sevilla the New Hollywood

To my surprise this little old town of Sevilla is the place where Star Wars: Episode II and Game of Thrones were filmed! I have not seen Game of Thrones, but from the amount of talk it gets from my friends and the media, I assume it is a great show. On the other hand, I am a huge Star Wars fan, and although I get picked on, I will proudly say that episode II is my favorite movie in the Star Wars series. Part of the reason why I like it so much is because Anakin Skywalker is so cute.

Alcázar Gardens is the location were Game of Thrones was filmed. This garden was absolutely breathtaking. Alcázar was a six minute walk from our hostel. This garden was a labyrinth filled with colorful walls, fountains, and gorgeous tiles with every turn. I visited this place with a group of girls and we just sat and soaked in all its beauty.

The Plaza De España is where Star Wars was filmed and definitely fangirled when I saw it. This place was absolutely amazing. It was huge and the pillars surround it was, wow. I have no words to describe how beautiful this location is. I was there around sunset and the colors in the sky, with the colors of this building, and the reflection from the water made it feel magical. I would say this is the happiest place on Earth, not Disney.

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